Hello and Welcome!
My name is Amy North, and I’m a dating coach and relationship expert from Vancouver, Canada.
As a relationship coach, I often get asked why I chose this field of work, and the answer is simple: I have a compelling interest in people and their stories, and passion for creating change – especially in the lives of others.
It’s a beautiful thing when a passion and career can come together, which is why I can say with a smile that I’m happy to be helping men and women build and discover happy, healthy relationships.
With over five years of experience as a relationship coach, I have worked with clients both locally and globally. Along with my hands-on experience, I also have a degree in Social Psychology from The University of Western Ontario, and I have successfully completed several coaching courses and seminars.
While my expertise are in dating, marriage, breakups and divorce, I like to keep up-to-date with the latest research on relationships and clinical counselling. I am a member of LoveLearnings, and I regularly write articles on these topics, which I contribute to various publications and post on my blog.
How Did I Get Here?
When I was a kid I fell in love with the idea of love. I’m not sure if it was from watching movies like When Harry Met Sally or listening to the songs of The Supremes, but when I was young I had this crazy idea that love was some super-natural force that only few would encounter.
As I got older I switched gears and realized it was more about passion, a feeling that ignited sparks and made it impossible to sleep at night.
While I definitely had my fair share of romance over the years, it wasn’t until later in life that I realized love is, in fact everywhere. It may not always be dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there – in husbands and wives, between boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends, families. All that time I thought love was meant to be hot and steamy or cute and cuddly. It wasn’t until then that I could finally see how much deeper love actually is. Now I like to think of love like layers of an onion; it might make you cry sometimes, but you have to keep peeling to get to the core of it.
Today I’m still a lover of love, but more importantly, I believe it in. I believe in it’s universal strength and ability to create bonds and alter emotions. It’s ability to change lives, skip hearts and inspire change. I also believe that love is a dynamic lifelong process that needs hard work and dedication for it to survive. It’s these beliefs that pushed me to make it my mission to help people around the world cope and grow with love.
We all know that relationships can be painful and hard to handle at times. From struggling with commitment issues and feelings of inadequacy, to dealing with break ups and divorce, we all trip up and need a bit of guidance at times. This is where I come in.
What I Can Do For You…
As your relationship coach I can be your guru, supporter, challenger, and motivator. I’ll give you the push to get going, and the tools to keep you on track. Your interests will be my interests, and I won’t judge, but I will help.
If you’d like to chat with me to see whether I can help you save or improve your relationship or marriage, please visit my Coaching page for details. You can also contact me directly to set up a phone conversation.
Remember, your future depends on what you do today, and it’s never too late to start again.
I look forward to hearing from you!